Thursday, August 04, 2005

I have a cunning plan...

Today I received the best birthday present of 2005. I had the "I.O.U." but today it arrived on my doorstep fresh from It is the Black Adder Complete Collector's Set of DVDs. Hours upon hours of what I consider to be the funniest show ever on television. EVER!!! Some of the verbal exchanges are so funny, but don't translate well so I leave you with some of my favorite one-liners from the series... which all begin with the same word... "Baldrick.."

"Have you no idea what irony is?"
"Yeah, it's like goldy and bronzy, only it's made of iron."

"Eternity in the company of Beezlebub and all his hellish instruments of death will be a picnic compared to five minutes with me -- and this pencil."

"That is by far and away, and without a shadow of doubt, the worst and most contemptible plan in the history of the universe."

... and last but not least...

"You wouldn't see a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord singing 'Subtle Plans Are Here Again'."

The only thing that could make this more enjoyable would be if I had someone to sit down and watch with me. I can't wait to watch some of them with my brothers, hopefully. If anyone else wants to join me in watching them... HOLLA!!!



At 2:44 PM, Blogger Wendy said...

Ooooh you have The Whole Bean!?!? I think there is a Blackadder clip on there somewhere in the special features. I think you would really like this show. It is not exactly family-friendly at all times however...


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